The Georgia International Topology Conference will be held at the University of Georgia between May 19-May 30, 2025. Speakers: Mohammed Abouzaid (Stanford) Ian Agol (UC Berkeley) Daniel Alvarez-Gavela (Brandeis) John Baldwin (Boston College) Rachael Boyd* (University of Glasgow) Roger Casals (UC Davis) Julian Chaidez (University of Southern California) Dan Cristofaro-Gardiner (University of Maryland) Oliver Edtmair (ETH Zurich) Tobias Ekholm (Uppsala University) Joshua Greene (Boston College) Pazit Haim-Kislev (IAS) Jonathan Hanselman (Princeton) Kristen Hendricks (Rutgers) Amanda Hirschi (Sorbonne Université) Bruce Kleiner (NYU) Hokuto Konno (University of Tokyo) Danica Kosanović (ETH Zurich) Marc Lackenby (Oxford) Joan Licata (Australian National University) Beibei Liu (Ohio State University) Bruno Martelli (Università di Pisa) Thomas Massoni (MIT) Maggie Miller (UT Austin) Allison Miller (Swarthmore College) Jin Miyazawa (Kyoto University) John Pardon (Simons Center) Lisa Piccirillo (UT Austin) Mark Powell (University of Glasgow) Alan Reid (Rice University) Semon Rezchikov (Princeton) Laura Starkston (UC Davis) Matt Stoffregen (Michigan State University) Luya Wang (IAS) Michael Willis (Texas A&M) Ian Zemke (University of Oregon) * to be confirmed Scientific Committee: Danny Calegari (University of Chicago) David Gabai (Princeton) Ursula Hamenstädt (University of Bonn) Robert Lipshitz (University of Oregon) Rachel Roberts (Washington University) Paul Seidel (MIT) András Stipsicz (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics) Ulrike Tillmann (Oxford) Local Organizers: Akram Alishahi Eduardo Fernández Fuertes David Gay Peter Lambert-Cole Gordana Matic Mike Usher The University of Georgia has hosted the octennial Georgia International Topology Conference since 1961. You can find information on previous conferences, here. Supported by NSF grant DMS-2453794, the Graduate School at the University of Georgia, and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Georgia.